Arthritic Foot Care

Arthritis develops when one or more joints become inflamed. When this occurs, it’s very likely for you to develop pain and stiffness in the affected area. Arthritis is typically common in the small joints of the foot as well as the ankle. It’s very possible that arthritis can develop due to previous injuries or traumas from the past. Some of the most common causes for arthritis may include old age, obesity, and genetic factors. It’s also been found that women who wear tight, high-heeled shoes for most of their lives are prone to experiencing foot complications such as arthritis.

Some signs that point to the development of arthritis include foot pain, stiffness in the joints, swelling, clicking or popping noises, as well as difficulty walking. Since arthritis can cause so much discomfort, it’s important to look into treatment methods that can help alleviate arthritic pain. One step you can take is to invest in comfortable footwear that provides you with optimal support. Shoes with arch support, heel cups, cushioning, and shock absorption are likely to provide you with ultimate comfort while you perform your day to day activities. Your doctor may also advise you to set a weight loss goal if you happen to be obese. Losing weight may help you lessen the pressure that’s being put on your feet. Heat and ice treatments have also been found to help with easing stiffness in the joints.

For more information about the type of arthritis you’re experiencing and how to best treat it, we recommend you consult with a podiatrist for professional care.